About us

The information on this website has been prepared to help you get to know the school and all that it provides for your child. If you have any questions, or need any further information, pleases don’t hesitate to contact Mary Connolly, the school principal. Our Open Week, starting on Mon 23rd October ’19 (9 to 10.30am) is a perfect opportunity to meet with Ms Mary  or Ms Claire Murphy(dep-Principal). You will be given a personal tour of our school, while all our staff and pupils are in class.


We hope that this website,  our Twitter account and Teachers Facebook page gives you an opportunity to share in our school life, our achievements and celebrations. We are always happy to show prospective parents around so please contact the school to make an appointment or to access further details. 

 Caherleaheen Teachers Facebook Page


Principal’s Message:

Welcome to our website! 

My name is Mary Connolly and I am principal of Caherleaheen National School. If you came across us while browsing, you are very welcome and I’m confident you will find some interesting pages and will log off with a positive impression of our school. If you are a student, parent, guardian, educator or a member of our local community please continue your visit as this site is primarily for you.

Caherleaheen National School, formerly Ballyseede Boys and Girls National Schools, has served this area since 1873 .Our Catholic ethos promotes spiritual and moral development. We are a child-centred school which welcomes and respects individual difference and preference. We offer a caring environment in which each child’s contribution is valued and in which each child’s needs are acknowledged and met.   Our educational programs are carefully structured to reinforce success, rather than failure. Our approach promotes and encourages the integration of pupils with special needs.  Additional staff in our school include Learning Support Teachers and Classroom Assistants and a fulltime secretary.

I have taught in this wonderful school since 1994 and was appointed as principal in December 2016. I  have enjoyed every day of my time here. How times have changed! In 1994, we had a small, 3 room school with  basic facilities. Today, we have grown into a 200 pupil, first class facility thanks to the hard work and dedication of our staff and parents, our former principal Mr Donal O’ Connor and  Boards of Management. Our staff are dedicated and highly capable professionals who are committed to providing top quality education for all . Our pupils are friendly, courteous and eager to learn . Our parents are  consistently supportive. They view this school as an essential part of family and community life.

We are  proud of our school and especially proud of our pupils, past and present. It is a wonderful place to work and learn, as I am sure you will discover.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Mary Connolly.


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