SMART Interactive Touchscreen Boards

All our classrooms now have SMART boards. We have also recently invested in 30 iPads, 30 Chromebooks and their respective charging trolleys. We are digitally on track! Smart Technologies UK visited Caherleaheen NS to observe, interview and film us while in class. Go to the Read More tab below to view their short film.

Open Week: Mon 23rd-Thurs. 26th October. 9:00am-10:30 am

Prospective parents are welcome to call in to say hello and to take a look around the school. Parents who enrol their children before January and officially register their child will be invited to a Parent Induction Evening, in March.

Fun, Games, Movement and Competitive Sports. Team work!

Fun, Games, Movement and Competitive Sports. Team work!

Yes, competitive team sports are important in Caherleaheen, be they football, hurling, athletics or tag rugby. However, we punctuate our school days, every day, with PE, fundamental movement skill drills, breaks, stretch downs and jogging. It helps all our children to stay healthy and active. Our homework is active too, on Wednesdays. ‘Books away and families play’ learning new skills together! Our healthy food policy is important and our families.

Outdoor Learning All Year Round.

Outdoor Learning All Year Round.

Our school environment and the greater Tralee and Kerry area is such a rich source for learning and group activities outdoors. We truly value the beauty of living nature all around us and we capitalise on it throughout the school year, ‘whether the weather’ is on our side or not! Gardening, walks, hikes, class tours, maths, science, art, outings and cultural excursions. It’s a beautiful world for our pupils and.

2022 Term 1. New classes, new teachers, new pupils, new learning and new friends!

2022 Term 1. New classes, new teachers, new pupils, new learning and new friends!

Everyone settled back with ease. Tús maith, leath na hoibre! Children enjoying a little O.T. exercise. Movement and mini-breaks are part of our daily schedules and timetables. Outdoor activities such as GAA coaching, PE classes gardening, crafts and science are important curricular subjects. We love art and crafts!

Junior Infants 2022!

Junior Infants 2022!

Our new Junior Infants are fantastic! They had a wonderful ‘first day in big school’ with their teacher, Ms Orla. They had the school all to themselves! Monday 29th August. This was a very special occassion for all their parents and our staff. We look forward to nurturing a love of learning and of building friendships with each other.

Gradam Rang a Sé, 2022

Gradam Rang a Sé, 2022

Bhí an-lá againn, ag Céimniú Rang a Sé, an Déardaoin seo caite! Seo cúpla griangraf ón lá speisialta agus ón turas scoile iontach a bhí acu an lá dar gcionn! We had a great day at the Sixth Class Graduation, last Thursday. Here are some photos of their special day and of the school tour the following day. They are a fantastic group of young people and everyone in Caherleaheen.

Athletics: Our Dream Teams and Stars.

Athletics: Our Dream Teams and Stars.

PART 1 We are so proud of all the young Caherleaheen athletes who participated in the Harriers Tralee Schools Athletics event, last Friday evening, May 13th. Every single boy and girl competed with passion and each child supported cheered and commiserated with their peers in both team and individual events. We are one of the smallest schools and yet we came second out of all the schools in the greater.

Minister Norma Foley visited Caherleaheen National School on February 14th 2022!

Minister Norma Foley visited Caherleaheen National School on  February 14th  2022!

Bhíomar ar bís! We dusted ourselves down and wore our hearts on our sleeves, our crests on our uniform and the children chatted enthusiastically and confidently- sharing our news, stories, initiatives, interests and all the colours of the Caherleaheen rainbow! Preparation: Bhí lá speisialta againn. Aire Oideachais- Minister Norma Foley arrived a little earlier than expected, but we were ready and excited. The positive atmosphere was palpable as soon as.

January 2022.

January 2022.

It was great to get back to school, on Thursday 6th January. It was lovely to catch up and wish each other a Happy and Healthy New Year. The children and staff eased themselves back to their daily routine and the atmosphere is so good! We look forward to Term 2 with optimism and hope. Third Class spinning their colour wheels, investigating ‘white light’. First and Fourth Classes have the.

Take a seat and enjoy our festive performances!

Take a seat and enjoy                                      our festive performances!

Maith sibh go léir! We hope you enjoy and appreciate the efforts of our pupils, teachers and assistants. Sadly, it was impossible to record on any given day in any class, with full attendance, this December. Therefore, we dedicate these festive videos to those children who were absent due to being unwell or isolating at home. We missed each one of you. Use the ‘Read More’ tab to access videos.

Christmas Cheer in Caherleaheen, despite Storm Barra!

Christmas Cheer in Caherleaheen, despite Storm Barra!

It’s nice to have time to look back on the last two weeks. There is some wonderful artwork and activity all around the school. Take a look at our video. You will see fantastic displays and the joyous arrival of our Christmas Tree. Lots more to do, though.

Our Newly Elected Student Council!

We were amazed at the number of children who eagerly contested this important election. We asked them to focus their campaigns on recycling, sustainability, protection of our environment. We had nine candidates standing from Sixth Class, seven from Fifth Class and eleven from Fourth Class: An impressive 27 in total. They spoke to a large audience of senior pupils in the hall. We were very impressed by ALL the candidates.

Celtic Book Fair and Science: a Busy Week in November

Celtic Book Fair and Science: a Busy Week in November

Many thanks to Ms. Claire and Aisling Foley for organising a wonderful book fair. They were helped by parents in the hall each morning. The children were very excited and delighted to buy their favourite books or stationery. Of course, this is the best time of year to read books for pleasure at home. Snuggle up and enjoy. Shared reading, reading aloud or being read to, is an important activity.

A Caherleahe’en Hallowe’en, Maths Week, Leafy Fun, Mighty Mitchels, Proud Parnells and more….

A Caherleahe’en Hallowe’en, Maths Week, Leafy Fun,  Mighty Mitchels, Proud Parnells and more….

Maths Week was really enjoyable, coinciding with our Hallowe’en activities. Many thanks to all the class teachers and assistants for making it accessible to all our pupils. The Great Outdoor Scavenger Hunt was created and hosted by Sixth Class for the whole school! Craic agus spraoi sa chlós! Each participant won a prize. Minecraft for Ed. continued in Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. Math quizzes were held in the classrooms.

We are enrolling. Join us!

We are enrolling. Join us!

You can find further details in our Admission Notice and Enrolment Form on the menu above. Please contact us, if you have any questions. ‘Read more’ to view a short video of what our 2021 Junior Infants have to say!

September 2021.

September 2021.

What a busy month! It flew and all our pupils soared. It was difficult at times as some of our pupils were required to restrict their movements in early September. But we prevailed and all pupils are well. Our parents and staff have been consistently supportive and careful these last five weeks. Take a look at samples of the fantastic SESE activities, art, literacy and project work. We just keep.

Comhgáirdeachas agus beannachtaí oraibh go léir!

Comhgáirdeachas agus beannachtaí oraibh go léir!

Our Third and Fourth Class pupils enjoyed a jubilant return to school on Monday after receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday. 4th Sept. The sacramental celebration, preparation by Fr. Séan, St John’s, Ms Claire and Ms Tara, not to mention our wonderful secretary Jennifer and other staff members ensured that this mass was extra special. God bless one and all. It was worth the long wait.

Our 2021/22 Junior Infants!

Our 2021/22 Junior Infants!

Sixth Class Graduation

Sixth Class Graduation

The pupils in Sixth Class are a very special group of kids. We will miss them all, as they have been a dream class. We wish them the very best of luck as they transition from primary to secondary education. The graduation ceremony went very well, though we would have much preferred to have their families with us. Instead, parents attended remotely via webinar. Sixth Class were very proud of.

Our Outdoor School.

Our Outdoor School.

We have had the busiest Term 3 ever! Children returned after Easter for May and June, with energy curiosity and fun in mind. They completed arduous tests, renovated our garden, raised tadpoles, made lots of creams and potions, painted and created, baked, explored local beaches, surfed, hiked and played. They worked hard, but always with a smile and willingness to learn and to help others. It has been a wonderful.

SESE Outings 2021

SESE Outings 2021

Huge thanks to all the teachers and assistants for arranging and planning such fun, interesting and exciting SESE outings for the children in June 2021. It’s a bonus that they managed to take lovely photos too! Thank you to all our amazingly patient and supportive parents for the drives hither and hither, at such short notice! Third and Fourth Class: Serrated seaweed, velvet crabs, anemones, sea snails, baby urchins, mussels,.

Term Two: A tale of three schools.

Term Two: A tale of three schools.

Our second term started as a remote home-learning school. All our pupils, parents and staff took to teaching and learning via Zoom and Seesaw with admirable effort and participation. Pupils enjoyed science, Gaeilge, class novel and literacy activities, maths, music, PE, art/crafts, poetry, SPHE, history, geography, baking and more. Everyone did their best and kept the ‘sunny side up ‘during a difficult time. Then we opened our Junior School on.

Celebrating our Home-Schoolers

Celebrating our Home-Schoolers

Take a look at the work that our pupils have done since 1st February, thanks to all the help they get from their parents, childminders and teachers 🙂 Click on ‘Read More’ to view a short video of their engagement on Seesaw and Zoom.

School Reopening is Deferred

School Reopening is Deferred

I hope you and all the children are keeping well and that you enjoyed a safe and peaceful Christmas. 2021 has had a very disappointing start and unfortunately, all mainstream schools will remain closed until the end of January, while we all try to halt the acceleration of positive Covid-19 numbers in our community. Children will be disappointed, as they usually love returning to school at this time of year, with lots of ‘.

Beannachtaí na Nollag oraibh go léir. Bígí Dóchasach!

Many of you follow and ‘like’ our activities and acknowledgements on Caherleaheen National School Facebook page. Thank you! What lovely videos from our teachers and pupils to be found there, these last two weeks. Here are a few of our favourite photos of our pupils’ work and engagement. We are all so proud of our big and little people. The future is bright! We have an influence and responsibility here,.

Sixth Class: Persuasive Writing.

Sixth Class: Persuasive Writing.

Pupils in Sixth Class never fail to impress! They spent four weeks researching, writing and planning house designs. These were no ordinary designs! They also made intricate, miniature, shoebox models of their floor plans. This teamwork culminated in a ‘Sales Brochure’, a Sales Powerpoint and an actual shoebox model of each home. There were eight teams. Each team’s project was assessed by a combination of teachers, in the following areas:.

S.T.E.A.M. Week(s)

S.T.E.A.M. Week(s)

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Take a look at our activities these last few weeks. What great creative fun we have!

Showing Kindness and Thinking of Others

Showing Kindness and Thinking of Others

Maith sibh, Rang a Ceathair! You sent beautifully and carefully handwritten or typed letters to the residents of Ocean View Nursing Home, Camp and Regina House, Kilrush, last month. We are all very proud of you!

Take a look at our Active School Weebly micro-site 2019/20

Take a look at our Active School  Weebly micro-site 2019/20

You will find the link to our Active Schools Initiative on our Main Menu, see ‘Awards and Initiatives’. (but we have posted the link here for your convenience). There are four sections in our ASF initiative: Physical Education, Physical Activity, Partnership and Active Schools Week. Look out for your Parent and Pupil Survey responses and comments in Q.10. This Weebly site is well worth a visit. We are very proud.

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