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Arty Science

Arty Science

Lions Club Carol Singing

Third, Fifth and Sixth class sing carols on Fri 5th December , 4.45pm-6.00pm (outside Quinlan’s Fish + chip shop, The Mall)

Party trick

Party trick

Bobby remembered to bring in a can and much more. Thanks B. After many trials (we don’t EVER give up), we hopped the canfrom mug to bowl. 🙂

Science:More Bernoulli Stuff

Science:More Bernoulli Stuff

Lots of huffing and puffing. Why did the balloons lean inward and not outward? Fast moving curving air between the balloons caused the outer higher pressure to lean in on the balloons. Builders of skyscrapers need to remember this on windy days!!

Ping-pong Science:Coanda effect

Ping-pong Science:Coanda effect

Hopefully we can develop this tomorrow and explore the Bernoulli Theory: The ability of a liquid , gas to move around a curved object.

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