Great Weekend News: Swimming,Tae-Kwando, Irish Dancing and Athletics!

Great Weekend News:  Swimming,Tae-Kwando, Irish Dancing and Athletics!

What great swimmers, athletes, dancers and fighters 🙂 We have an great participation and success rate, generally, but these young swimmers enjoyed an extra special, superb weekend! We are so proud of them. Our Senior Relay swimmer won a Silver medal in the Tralee Community Games. AND one of our boys won a stunning individaual Gold medal (by at least 5 metres ) in the 100m backstroke. Our Senior individual ‘butterflier’ won Silver. Our Junior girl won an individual Silver. These swimmers won heats and reached finals on Saturday and all are dedicated to weekly training and aqua-discipline! They love it. Most are on their way to the Munster Community Finals in Limerick. Beirigí bua! Our Parent Association has cosistently and generously given of their time to run an afterschool swimming club every Friday for many years. This is essentially a springboard for greater engagement and a love of swimming. Third and Second Class will start their in-school 6 week swimming module in March. It’s an all-inclusive PE curricular strand. Tralee Sports Complex will have five coaches for both classes and all abilities (from the very hesitant to the super confident). They will all be carefully catered for and we are sure they will enjoy learning this life skill, as did our middle classes last year. Our P.Assoc have offered to pay for bus transport each week. So, it’s all go/swim! Míle buíochas daoibh go léir.

Ms Josephine Fearns, glided in today on a cloud, as proud as punch! Her after-school dancers won their Kerry competition handily/footliy! Three of her winning 8 stood proud today with their plaques. The Tae-Kwon Do gang enjoyed High Kick, Patterns and Sparring successes . Great hearts and skills, big and small! Finally, but not least, we had fantastic success in the Community Games Walking Race. That is probably one of the most specific athletic sports and can be notoriously difficult to deliver correctly and quickly! Comhgáirdeas libh go léir. Pride & Bród!

Ár snamhaithe !!
Ár lúthcleasaithe !!
— schooladmin