World Book Day.

What an interesting day! Thanks to the children from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth classes our youngest pupils were given sugar-free and timeless treats: Good stories! (very Lent-friendly).So many unusual characters wandering our corridors, ruffling their skirts, preening their feathers and wings, straightening their trousers, adjusting their spectacles, sharing books and whispering spells….

Two Mr. Bumps discuss how lucky they are not to be ……Trumps.

The Queen of Hearts reads to both Harry and Harrie Potter, but she knows that Hermione……

can never keep up with her card tricks!

Red Riding Hood has wise tales to tell too. Take her advice. Wolves and strangers can seem nice and kind and funny, but we know the Stay Safe rules, so we are okay!

Thumbelina and Tinkerbell share tips on how to save energy, grow strong wings and sprinkle magic dust efficiently, without leaving a carbon footprint.👼

Fairy Tales? These are the most important books of all!. They set the scene, they introduce us to unforgettable and lovable characters, they pose problems and help us face our deepest darkest fears and then, they resolve the danger, ending happily and safely. They face the challenges that we fear most!

This book has to be the most heartbreaking and loving book of all: A modern classic amongst many. “Where’s my Mummy?” the baby owl cries!.Wonderful illustrations and a story that resonates with every reader, no matter what your age. It faces a fear of darkness, a fear that your mum might not return. It acknowledges the security of sibling and parental love. This book can’t be reread enough to young children.

Thanks are due to all our parents for digging out their children’s costumes and locating their favourite books. Special thanks too to Ms Claire Murphy, Ms Gemma, Ms Adrienne, Ms Claire Slattery and all the young and old bookworms. Long live paper and print and imagination!

Sharing a book is the best thing we can do at home and at school with each other.

Don’t worry! ‘They all lived happily ever after’ (phew!)

— Mary C